Binding in Light

We know that you’ll be leaving
On earth your days no more
We see in soul the light ahead
Eternal loves in store

We speak no word of thought of this
As hands are clenching tight
Our hearts are binding tighter
We love with all our might

A knowledge passed between us
Spoke in word of soul
That we will live in faith
And give to God control

Next I’ll see a shell
In kiss of forehead cold
Tears of streaming love
Our souls bound in His hold

Here you dwell forever
You speak within my prayer
You love me in His light
Our souls still binding there

2 thoughts on “Binding in Light”

  1. Thank you Bradley, it’s a poem from a moment that stills grips me from over 30 years ago as I sat with my (beloved 🙂 ) 99 year old Grandmother and the last time that we were together.


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